Friday 2 November 2012

Sunday 5 December 2010

Welcome to The Venus Diaries

You have arrived to the blogspot where all  literature about love, sex and EVERYTHING in between is discussed. Here woman can discuss the most intimate details of their sexual experiences as well as satisfy any curiosities and discover new things. No  matter what level, we could always learn something new and you don't have to be 'loose' or a free spirit to be able to freely discuss sex. From the most open person, to the most reserved VENUS DIARIES is the place you can get it all out and take it all in. Men can also contribute to discussions expanding the platform of insight for both sexes. PLEASE BE ADVISED: Stories and Topics discussed here can get racy, but I believe that the more you know and the more experience you gain, the more you get out of life! and I surely don't have time for anything less than the best! So I want to get people talking. Enjoy...